Kathleen HerringTreasurer
Geoff BlakeVice President
Wayne MyersSecretary
Wayne and his wife Rory have been married for 31 years and have two adult children. Their daughter Shelby is a nurse, and their son Zachary is a teacher. They have been working together in ministry for many years helping men and women through discipleship and coaching. They volunteer locally and domestically. Wayne is a Ramsey Financial Coach that helps singles and couples get their personal finances under control. He was a software engineer for 25 years and retired four years ago to go into ministry... he volunteers with several local ministries and serves on the board of organizations in the Mobile area. Wayne and Rory attend Free Life Church in Creola, Al. where they serve men and women in life groups as well as many other volunteer capacities. Wayne and Rory's volunteer time puts them in close contact with Agape Life Gardens and several of the people that live and serve with the ministry. |